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INVISION Magazine's webinar, "What is the Future of Eyecare," is now available to download. The webinar presented some of the industry's top thought leaders as they discussed the changes the vision community may experience following the COVID-19…

INVISION Magazine Presents: What is the Future of Eyecare?

Wednesday, April 22 at 3 p.m. EDT

This Wednesday, INVISION Magazine will host a webinar, "What is the Future of Eyecare," that will delve into the changes the optical industry may see following the COVID-19 pandemic such as the implementation of telemedicine, e-commerce…

U.S. Consumer Sentiment and Market Insights During the Covid-19 Crisis

The Vision Council's second webinar presentation, U.S. Consumer Sentiment and Market Insights During the Covid-19 Crisis, is now available for download. The research team presented data from the latest VisionWatch report including a detailed breakdown of consumers'…

On Thursday, April 16, 2020, President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force issued new guidelines to reopen the national economy. The guidance document does not lay out a specific timeline for relaxing social distancing restrictions. Rather, it outlines a phased-in set of criteria to include testing, medical supplies, hospital…

Last week, California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) issued a Proposition 65 Safe Use Determination (SUD) for exposure to Bisphenol A (BpA) from polycarbonate prescription glasses, non-prescription sunglasses, over-the-counter reading glasses and safety glasses manufactured, distributed or sold by members of The…

In the midst of a very uncertain and challenging time, The Vision Council's members are responding to the spread of COVID-19 in inspiring and innovative ways. From businesses that are pivoting their operating models to stay afloat and those that are creating entirely new products to contribute to the fight against the pandemic, to members…

U.S. Consumer Sentiment and Market Insights During the Covid-19 Crisis

Thursday, April 16 at 12 p.m. EDT

The Vision Council will host the second in a new series of webinars this Thursday, April 16 with The Vision Council's research team. The webinar, U.S. Consumer Sentiment and Market Insights During the Covid-19…

Dear Valued Member,

As the leading trade association for the optical industry, The Vision Council aims to arm its members with the key information and resources needed to run a successful business. With this in mind, The Vision Council has partnered with Reed Technology and Information Services Inc. (Reed Tech) to provide members with a…

Invitation to Virtual Presentation of the Award on Thursday, April 23

The California Lab Committee has announced Norm Kester, President of ophthalmic coatings company Quantum Innovations, Inc., as the recipient of the 2020 Goodfellow award. The award will be presented to Kester during a virtual happy hour on Thursday, April 23 at 5 p.m…

The Vision Council is Successful in Efforts to Win an Issuance of a Proposition 65 Safe Use Determination (SUD) for Exposures to Bisphenol A (BPA) from Certain Polycarbonate Eyewear Products

The State of California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is issuing a Proposition 65 Safe Use Determination (SUD) for…