Show Organizers Share Details on Education Program Planned for Vision Expo East 2021

The Vision Council and Reed Exhibitions, organizers of Vision Expo, have announced the education program curated by the Conference Advisory Board for Vision Expo East 2021, taking place June 2–5 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

The Show’s educational program, together with OptiCon®@Vision Expo, will open Wednesday, June 2 and exhibits will open Thursday, June 3. To register for Vision Expo East, click here.

Presented under the banner of VisionEd, Vision Expo’s newly branded, sought-after education program is dedicated to seminars, workshops and interactive presentations. At Vision Expo East 2021, attendees can hone their craft in courses led by renowned experts in clinical research, business, fashion and marketing.

Custom-Designed Clinical Content

This year’s Show will feature more than 100 hours of custom-designed clinical content organized by key subject areas including glaucoma, posterior segment/retina, anterior segment/dry eye, surgical/co-management, and systemic disease and diabetes. Each course has been developed to immerse attendees in the most cutting-edge developments for better patient care. Attendees will learn from the most knowledgeable experts in the industry as they unveil ground-breaking technology and speak to the latest trends in diagnosis as well as treatment of common eye diseases.

Specific topics include: presbyopia pharmacological treatment; myopia control; specialty contact lenses and scleral lenses; emerging glaucoma diagnostic tools; new paradigms in glaucoma treatment; aesthetics in eyecare; and advances in OCT Angiography.

Vision Expo’s RoadMap Series are designed to help ODs who are starting out in specific disease areas. Courses include: Roadmap to Success in Contact Lens Practice; A Roadmap for Identifying and Managing Progression in Glaucoma; A Roadmap for Medical Management of Glaucoma; A Roadmap for Making the Diagnosis in Glaucoma.

In addition to up-to-the-minute clinical offerings, Vision Expo East will offer actionable, business-focused courses highlighting ways to stimulate leadership, culture and profitability with topics ranging from customer experience to human resources. Addressing some of today’s most prevalent business issues, each course will provide attendees with practical solutions designed for immediate implementation.

OptiCon®@Vision Expo

In addition, OptiCon®@Vision Expo returns with an unmatched education program and exhibit hall experience for opticians, contact lens practitioners and ophthalmic allied professionals. The OptiCon Hub will host host pop up talks, networking, social events and access to representatives and resources from ABO & NCLE, NAO, OAA, NFOS, CLSA and vendor partners.

On Wednesday, June 2, Vision Expo will host the Showdown in the Sunshine State: Case Challenges in Optometry, a competition during which panelists will compete against each other by presenting interesting cases highlighting imaging technology. The audience decides who wins each match via attendee interactive polling technology. Attendees will also have access to a free two-hour imaging workshop.

Global Contact Lens Forum

Vision Expo East will also offer the Global Contact Lens Forum, which provides attendees with practical, timely tips in both clinical and business processes to help take their specialty contact lens practice to the next level. A panel of respected, highly successful contact lens practitioners will provide personal insights gleaned from their road map to success. This will be followed by grand rounds case presentations highlighting key problem-solving strategies in specialty contact lens practice. Finally, attendees will learn valuable practice management tips for billing and coding in specialty lens practice.


To download the Vision Expo East 2021 education brochures, click here.

Virtual Education Offerings

The on-site education program is complemented by VisionEd Direct, a virtual continuing education platform offering on-demand accredited courses that launched in December 2020. Built on the Quantum Optical platform, one of the premier sources for continuing education in the ophthalmic field, VisionEd Direct offers 10 hours of accredited education, including five hours of Council on Optometric Practitioner Education (COPE) courses and five hours of American Board of Opticianry (ABO) courses. Visit the platform at

Vision Expo
Sunglass & Reader Division
Lens Division
Lab Division
Lens Processing Technology Division
Low Vision Division
Optical Retail Division
Eyewear & Accessories Division