The Vision Council's 2018 Annual Report Now Available

The Vision Council is proud to release its 2018 Annual Report, highlighting the organization's many accomplishments throughout the year.

In 2018, The Vision Council saw huge success in all facets of the organization including garnering more than 1.7 billion media impressions across all consumer campaign efforts and, through support of the Think About Your Eyes campaign, generated 3.95 million eye exams.

The Vision Council welcomed 54 new member companies, saw the success of the first year of the Optical Retail Division and published 180 reports through VisionWatch.

Finally, Vision Expo received a 16 percent increase in optician turnout compared to the previous year and won the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) Art of the Show Competition for the Social Media category.

With unwavering support from the Board of Directors, Committee volunteers and staff, 2018 has proven to be a successful year for The Vision Council as it aims to move the industry forward. Find out more by viewing The Vision Council's 2018 Annual Report.