The Vision Council Announces Agenda Details and Keynote Speaker Line-up

The Vision Council has announced agenda details and the keynote speaker line-up for the 2022 Executive Summit, taking place January 24–26, 2022 in Austin, Texas under the banner of “It’s All Connected.” Over the course of three days, the Executive Summit will focus on sustainable growth through the understanding of the connection between individual employee health and wellness, success of an organization and the advancement of the industry as a whole.

From supply chain challenges and remote working implications to mental health awareness and diversity, equity and inclusion, the 2022 Executive Summit will feature a robust schedule of engaging presentations, interactive panels and networking sessions.

The event is open to both members of The Vision Council and non-members, with members eligible for special members-only pricing.

Click here to register now.

Monday, January 24

The 2022 Executive Summit will kick off on Monday, January 24 with the return of the golf tournament. Select committee and task force meetings will take place throughout the day on Monday followed by a welcome reception in the evening.

Tuesday, January 25

The Vision Council’s annual business meeting, including the voting process for the slate of new Board nominees, will take place at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 25 followed by two keynote speaker sessions.

The keynote presenters and corresponding topics include:


Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., President & CEO of Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

From employee retention and recruitment to strategies for motivating employees and managing remote work, Johnny C. Taylor, Jr. will share insights on how to “reset” internal structure and procedures in the aftermath of the pandemic.

Economic Trends

Brian Beaulieu, CEO and Chief Economist of ITR Economics™

Industry favorite, Brian Beaulieu will return to the summit to provide attendees with insights on trade policies, economic trends and an outlook for the year ahead. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

In the afternoon on Tuesday, attendees will have the opportunity to attend the breakout session most pertinent to their business needs.

Breakout sessions include:

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Fireside Chat with Dr. Tony Byers

Dr. Tony Byers, Diversity & Inclusion Professional Programs Director and Senior Extension Faculty for Cornell University’s ILR School, will review industry-specific insights, scenarios, challenges and opportunities. Additionally, Dr. Byers will discuss his experience in the diversity, equity and inclusion field from his years as the Head of Global Diversity and Inclusion at Starbucks. Dr. Byers is known for his efforts in leading and revitalizing Starbucks’ highly respected and successful diversity and inclusion programming.

Don’t You Forget About Gen X with Dr. Dean Browell

Between the generational giants of baby boomers and millennials, generation X—born between 1965 and 1980—tends to get lost in the shuffle, even when there’s a mountain of evidence proving that they shouldn’t be, including in the healthcare space. Don’t You Forget About Gen X examines this skeptical, participatory and oft-forgotten generation’s crucial and growing role as healthcare consumers as well as insights into how marketers can connect with them. 

The Vision Council’s Market Research Team: Research Changes and Improvements

The Vision Council’s market research team will present an update on the modifications and upgrades planned for The Vision Council’s research offerings in 2022.

Wednesday, January 26

The 2022 Executive Summit will conclude on Wednesday, January 26 with division roundtables, industry-focused panels and two keynote speaker sessions.

The industry-specific presentations and panels include:

Consumer Trends to Watch: Buying, Healthcare Attitudes and More

This two-part general session will offer attendees insight into the top trends in consumer actions and attitudes regarding buying, information gathering and healthcare. The trends presentation will be followed by an industry leadership roundtable discussion focused on how members can use this data to position their companies for success.  

Governmental and Regulatory Affairs: Member Impact

The Vision Council’s Government and Regulatory Affairs team will discuss the impact their recent efforts advocating on Capitol Hill, within key Federal Agencies, and in many state capitals has on members and the industry as a whole.

Keynote speaker sessions for Wednesday, January 26 include:

Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon

Colin Bryar & Bill Carr, Former Amazon Executives, Authors, and Co-Founders, Working Backwards, LLC

Colin Bryar and Bill Carr spent more than a decade as part of Amazon’s leadership team and worked alongside Jeff Bezos during the company’s period of unmatched innovation. Bryar and Carr will demonstrate how Amazon’s approach to leadership, culture and best practices were developed, refined and scaled while providing practical steps for applying it to any organization. Additionally, the presentation will illuminate Amazon’s fourteen leadership principles that inform decision-making and reveal the four characteristics that define the company’s culture. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

Change is Your Proof of Life

Jessica Buchanan, New York Times Bestselling Author, Humanitarian and Survivor

Through sharing the dramatic story of her rescue by SEAL Team Six after being held hostage by Somali Pirates, Jessica Buchanan will share how to become a collaborator with change and create the strategies necessary to survive and thrive.

For more information on the 2022 Executive Summit, click here. Please direct any questions to

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