The Vision Council Releases COVID-19 Optical Impact Consumer Study to Members as Part of VisionWatch February 2020 Survey
Alexandria, VA (Mar. 12, 2020) – The Vision Council today announces the release of a new COVID-19 Optical Impact consumer survey. Conducted by The Vision Council's research team in February, the study surveyed more than 10,000 adults across the United States and was designed to measure respondents' level of concern over exposure to COVID-19, including measures they are taking to prevent exposure, changes in eye exam intent, and how respondents are prioritizing medical care, as well as eyewear purchases.
"As we continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 and its day-to-day effects across the world and at home, The Vision Council thinks it is important to be aware of how consumers' reactions are affecting the ways they take care of themselves, especially their eyes," said Ashley Mills, CEO at The Vision Council. "As the virus continues to evolve, we believe it is important to understand consumer sentiment."
The survey was conducted as part of The Vision Council's monthly VisionWatch survey and included questions such as whether respondents are putting off medical treatments and if they intend to schedule a routine eye exam while coronavirus remains a threat. The survey was fielded to a demographically balanced sample of more than 10,000 US adults over the course of February.
The Vision Council members have access to a free summary report as well as an exclusive recorded presentation of the February survey results given by Steve Kodey, Senior Director of Industry Research Services at The Vision Council. The free summary report and recorded presentation can be found here.
The survey is being conducted throughout the month of March to monitor any changes in consumer sentiment.
VisionWatch is an ongoing study that provides The Vision Council's members with exclusive insights into the optical marketplace's current and historical trends, retailer shares, consumer traits and demographic breakdowns. The Vision Council issues other topical research reports throughout the year that are available for purchase.
About VisionWatch
As the market measurement for the optical products and services markets, The Vision Council VisionWatch Member Analysis Report provides a quarterly insight into the market through current and historical trends, retailer shares, and information on customer traits and demographic breakdowns. VisionWatch is an ongoing study of a statistically balanced sample of 110,000+ US adult residents designed to be representative of the U.S. population 18 years of age and older.
About The Vision Council
Championing better vision for better lives, The Vision Council positions its members for success by promoting growth in the vision care industry through education, advocacy, research, consumer outreach, strategic relationship building and industry forums. Furthermore, through a partnership with Think About Your Eyes, The Vision Council supports consumer education around eyewear and eyecare.