Written Submission to the International Trade Commission
This week, The Vision Council’s Government and Regulatory (GR) Affairs team submitted written comments to the International Trade Commission (ITC) related to Investigation No. 332-591, regarding the economic impact of China 301 Tariffs on U.S. industries.
As part of the comments, The Vision Council reiterated the economic impact of the China 301 Tariffs on its members as well as the related health implications for consumers in the vision space.
To view the comments submitted to the ITC, please click here.
The comments were a result of both the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations directing the ITC to conduct a retrospective investigation and provide a report on the impacts in the U.S. industries most affected by the Section 232 and 301 tariffs that were active as of March 15, 2022. The Committees requested that the Commission transmit its report no later than 12 months following the enactment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act. The Commission’s report will be made available to the public.
The Vision Council will continue to monitor this important issue and update members. Please direct all questions to Omar Elkhatib, The Vision Council’s Government Relations Manager, at oelkhatib@thevisioncouncil.org. To submit a request for a consultation with the GR team, click here.