World Sight Day Resolution

Last week, The Vision Council’s Government and Regulatory Affairs team drafted a resolution to be introduced on the floor of the House of Representatives, expressing support for the goals of “World Sight Day.”

World Sight Day, which is recognized annually on the second Thursday of October, aims to raise awareness of blindness and vision impairment as major global public health and development issues, by promoting the importance of accessible, affordable, and inclusive eye care.

To read the final resolution introduced by Congressman Marc Veasey, click here.

Please direct all questions to Omar Elkhatib, The Vision Council’s Government Relations Manager, at To submit a request for a consultation with the GR team, click here. 

Government and Regulatory Affairs
Sunglass & Reader Division
Lens Division
Lab Division
Lens Processing Technology Division
Low Vision Division
Optical Retail Division
Eyewear & Accessories Division