Reminder to Register: Virtual Fashion Trends Presentation

Wednesday, March 31 from 2–3 p.m. EST

The Vision Council reminds Optical Retail, Eyewear & Accessories and Sunglass & Reader Division members to register now for an exclusive virtual fashion trends webinar presented by the World’s Global Style Network (WGSN), the trend forecasting company considered the global authority on consumer and design trends, on Wednesday, March 31 from 2–3 p.m. EST.

Click here to register now.

The presentation will feature a 12–24 month forecast of the most popular fashion and lifestyle trends, with a specific focus on eyewear, sunwear, readers and optical retail. Additionally, the presentation will examine the implications of the pandemic on the fashion industry. A 15-minute Q&A session will take place following the presentation.

For more information, contact your dedicated liaison as listed, below.

Once registered, the email containing the Zoom details will come from If you are unable to find the email, please check your spam and junk folders or email Julia Moore at

Please note the presentation will take place one more time in April or May for individuals unable to attend. The presentation will not be recorded or available to access online.

Meetings and Events
Sunglass & Reader Division
Optical Retail Division
Eyewear & Accessories Division