National Optometric Association to Host Regional Meeting at Vision Expo East 2021

The Vision Council and Reed Exhibitions, organizers of Vision Expo, have announced that the National Optometric Association (NOA), an organization dedicated to “advancing the visual health of minority populations” through the delivery of effective and efficient eye and vision care services to the minority community, will host a Regional Meeting on Friday, June 4 and Saturday, June 5 at Vision Expo East, taking place June 2–5 in Orlando, Florida at the Orange County Convention Center.

Vision Expo East 2021 will take place at the Orange County Convention Center. The Show’s educational program, together with OptiCon®@Vision Expo, will open Wednesday, June 2 and exhibits will open Thursday, June 3. To register for Vision Expo East 2021, click here.

Due to COVID-19, the NOA National convention will be a virtual event and this in-person regional meeting will serve as an opportunity for NOA doctors and National Optometric Student Association (NOSA) students to connect and learn together safely. As part of the regional meeting, NOA will offer six hours of education exclusive to their members on Friday, June 4 and Saturday, June 5.

Additionally, on Saturday, June 5, the NOA will host a panel discussion at The Seen, a dynamic new main stage destination offering collaborative learning. The panel, entitled “Excellence: Overcoming Obstacles to Optometric Success,” will feature NOA doctors sharing their experience and tools for successfully navigating within the optometric profession.

More About the National Optometric Association

The National Optometric Association (NOA) was founded in 1969 in Richmond, Virginia, as a not-for-profit corporation. The NOA is comprised primarily of minority optometrists from throughout the United States. Activities are administered through a board of directors and regional officers. The recruitment of minority students into the schools and colleges of optometry and their placement into appropriate practice settings upon graduation are two priorities of the NOA. Coincident with these priorities is the underlying purpose of the NOA—advancing the visual health of minority populations through the delivery of effective and efficient eye and vision care services to the minority community.

For more information about NOA, visit

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