Make Your Impact with VisionPAC: Support Vision Advocacy

Dear VisionPAC Members,

I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. I’d like to take a moment and share some exciting developments that we’ve achieved in a short time since the relaunch of VisionPAC. Continued support and engagement are instrumental in making these successes a reality.

  1. Industry-Specific Letter from the House Ways and Means Committee:
    We are thrilled to announce that our collective efforts have resulted in significant progress. Three members of the House Ways and Means Committee, led by Congressman Drew Ferguson, have taken note of our concerns regarding eyewear products and the implications of China 301 duties. Through our advocacy, we successfully secured an industry-specific letter urging for the exclusion of eyewear products from these duties. This recognition is a testament to our united voice and influence in shaping policies that directly impact our industry. We hope to share the results soon.
  2. Advocacy at the Highest Levels:
    Our commitment to advancing the optical industry’s concerns led to a significant milestone: an audience with appointed and elected officials. We had the privilege of discussing the key areas of concern for our industry directly with these decision-makers. This face-to-face engagement underscores the impact we can achieve through a unified and dedicated approach.

While we celebrate these achievements, it's important to remember that our progress is ongoing.

To build on the momentum we have created, I encourage you to join me in personally contributing $100, $250, $350, $500 or any amount appropriate for you, to VisionPAC.

Since decisions made by state and federal lawmakers have such an enormous impact on our industry, it is critical that our collective voice continues to be heard.

To contribute, please visit this page and use access code TVCPAC. For assistance or answers to questions, please contact the Government and Regulatory Affairs team directly for more information.

If you plan on attending Vision Expo West, please remember to RSVP for our VisionPAC Reception event as space is limited. This will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the relaunch of VisionPAC and enjoy an evening with our industry friends.

Thank you for being an invaluable member of The Vision Council and for your dedication to the betterment of the industry. Together, we have already achieved remarkable milestones, and I am excited to see what we can accomplish in the future.

Warm regards,

Ashley Mills

Government and Regulatory Affairs
Sunglass & Reader Division
Lens Division
Lab Division
Lens Processing Technology Division
Low Vision Division
Optical Retail Division
Eyewear & Accessories Division